How to use FormMail

All hosting accounts include access to the Formmail script. Using the script, you can email the contents of a HTML form to a pre-defined email address. This allows you to receive feedback, enquiries or any other information that you require from your visitors.

You can download our example HTML script from here. You can amend the script to suit your requirements, then upload it to your website.

Using the Script
To use the script you will need to create a HTML form which uses the 'POST' method to submit data to The script uses hidden form values to determine how it should process the submitted data. These include :-

  • recipient
  • from
  • subject
  • redirect
  • required
  • sortorder

The only required field is recipient, which is the email address to which the form data should be submitted (you would normally set this to a name at your domain). from is used to define the address from which the email is sent (you would normally set this to a name at your domain). subject is used to define the subject of the email. If you would like to direct users to another page (e.g. thank you for submitting information) you should specify the full URL of the page including the http:// prefix in the redirect field. To ensure that a form is completed correctly you can include a list of required fields in the required field. Each field name should be separated by a comma. For example, name,address,telephone. If a required field is left blank, the user is prompted to complete it. Finally, the sortorder field is used to determine the order of fields in the email sent to you. The sortorder field should contain a list of fields in the order required, using a comma as a separator.

Please Note....
All input fields in the example script are set to type 'textbox' (the default), to allow you to see how the form operates. Prior to activating the form, you must change the 'recipient' and 'from' fields to type 'hidden'. If you do not hide these fields, the form will be available as an open mail relay for spammers, and we will have to disable it.
An error message will occur if you attempt to use the formmail script with a form that is not located in your web space. The script is only accessible when used from your web space.



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