Online Anti-Virus Test
Virus Protection is something that is too often ignored. This test virus was developed by the European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research (EICAR) to provide an easy and safe way to test whether your anti-virus software is working, and see how it reacts when a virus is detected. It is supported by most leading vendors, such as IBM, McAfee, Sophos, and Symantec/Norton.
To test your anti-virus solution, you can download this test file. The file is totally harmless, and will not affect your computer in any way. If executed, the file simply displays the message:
If you manage to download the files (disable your anti-virus solution temporarily if necessary), you can email them to yourself, to see how your anti-virus software reacts to them within an email.
If you are not running an anti-virus solution and you have received a virus, you can perform a free online scan and clean by going to housecall.antivirus.com. This is an excellent service, and well worth trying.
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