Trusted Senders
If you are having trouble receiving email from a particular sender, this is normally because the sender's mail server has gained a less than favourable reputation on the global spam databases. We use these databases in our spam filtering system, so mail from disreputable sources may be returned to the sender with a non-delivery report (NDR). You can add senders to your Trusted Senders list to overcome this issue. Once you have added the email address to the Trsted Senders list, you can ask the sender to send the email again. - Access your WebMail interface. If you do not know how to access your WebMail interface, please follow the instructions here, or simply click here and logon using your email address and password.
- In your WebMail interface, Go to the Cogs (Settings) in the left menu column.
- My Settings > Trusted Senders > New
- Enter the email address of the sender, then press Save.
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